Thursday, October 6, 2011

Arnold Schwarzenegger Diet

Arnold Schwarzenegger Diet
Schwarzenegger's philosophy was that bodybuilding is not a single-event endeavor. If you really want to see success, you must focus on all three components including your training program, your nutritional intake and your mental approach.

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s workout routine was built, in part, on his firm belief that it is essential to get the right nutritional strategies underway. He stated that in order to build muscle, you must fill your body full of quality nutrients. You should never slack off and turn to junk food to fill the calorie void. If you want to build lean, solid muscle, quality nutrition is key.

On the fat-loss side of things, one of the biggest strategies in Arnold Schwarzenegger's workout routine was calorie cycling. This involved having some higher calorie days interspersed with some lower calorie days in order to prevent his metabolism from slowing down.

He advised that on any calorie-reduced diet, if you went long enough you would see your metabolism slowing down, making further fat loss incredibly difficult.

Set your average calorie target for the week and then stagger your calories with both high- and low-caloric days.

For Arnold Schwarzenegger, training wasn't just a means to create a muscular body, but rather a way to grow and develop into the best person he could be. As much as he loved his time in the gym, he also knew that rest periods were vital to success. He was well-known for his legendary toughness, but also realized that there was a fine line between enough and too much. If you crossed that line, overtraining would set in.

He recommended 48 hours of rest after working larger muscle groups and slightly less for the smaller ones. He also felt that as your training level progressed, you'd be able to handle more work with less recovery time and could tolerate more frequent workouts.

Finally, he believed the best way to treat injuries was to prevent them. His prevention methods included always performing a thorough warm-up before workouts and stretching once he was finished.

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